Aranda, Elizabeth. (2023). “Helping an Undocumented Immigrant in Florida Could Soon Be Against the Law.” Tampa Bay Times, March 26.

Aranda, Elizabeth. (2022). “La Migración, El Hogar Y El Sentido De Permanencia.El Nuevo Día, Octubre 23.

Aranda, Elizabeth. (2022). “For Puerto Ricans Five Years After Hurricane Maria, No Place Feels Like Home.” TampaBay Times, September 15.

Aranda, Elizabeth. (2021). Lessons from Hurricane Maria’s Impact on Puerto Rico, Four Years Later. Tampa Bay Times, September 20, 2021.

Aranda, Elizabeth and Alessandra Rosa. (2019). “Puerto Ricans Unite Against Roselló – and more than a Decade of Cultural Trauma.” The Conversation August 2, 2019. This article was reprinted in various outlets including San Francisco Chronicle/SFGate, Newsify, Latino Rebels, Truthout and International Policy Digest.

Aranda, Elizabeth and Elizabeth Vaquera. (2017). “How DACA Affected the Mental Health of Undocumented Young Adults.” The Conversation. This article was printed in Salon.com, Lee Enterprises newspaper chain, Latino USA, The Rivard Report, The San Francisco Chronicle, Connecticut Post, Houston Chronicle, among others. It was also translated in Spanish and printed on Univision

Aranda, Elizabeth. (2017). “The American Nightmare Dreamers Fear.”  August 31. This article was mentioned in the Opinion section of The New York Times

Aranda, Elizabeth and Isabel Sousa-Rodriguez*. (2014). “Immigration Reform will Save Lives.”Cnn.com, November 18.

Aranda, Elizabeth and Elizabeth Vaquera. (2014). “Lawmakers can give Dreamers Chance at Higher-Ed Success.” Orlando Sentinel, May 1.

Aranda, Elizabeth. (2014). “Lost Investments—Wasted Talent.” Letter of the Day, The Tampa Tribune, April 30.

Aranda, Elizabeth. (2013). “GOP Still Not in Tune With Latinos” Op-Ed, The Lakeland Ledger, April 16.

Aranda, Elizabeth. (2012). “Latino Swing Voters and Higher Ed.” Op-Ed, Tampa Tribune, February 27. 

Aranda, Elizabeth. (2007). “Poor and Homeless in Miami.” Op-Ed, Miami Herald, February 7.

Aranda, Elizabeth. (2006). “Let poor workers unionize to attain American Dream.” Op-Ed, Miami Herald, April 18.